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    Express Consultation Service - £35

    IMPORTANT INFORMATION: - Please read the FAQ section before you start- this will tell you more about this service, including the types of skin problems we can and cannot treat. Once you have submitted this consultation form, one of our dermatology clinicians will get back to you via Email or WhatsApp within 24-48 hours, with some advice and suggestions for treatments.

    Please note: We do not advise on suspected skin cancers, moles, growths, lumps, or wounds. This consultation does not include the cost of any prescription medications or treatments, but if needed these will be made available for you to purchase via your DigiDerm account.

    Please tell us which part(s) of the body are affected?

    How long have you had your current skin problem?

    Does it come and go or is it always there?

    Does anything make it better or worse?

    How does your skin feel and look? e.g. is it sore, red, itchy, greasy, dry, flaky, cracked, hard, bleeding, weeping, crusty, pus-filled or warm? Please give as much detail as possible.

    Do you have any other symptoms or concerns?


    Do you have any allergies including to any medications?


    Please list all of your allergies including to any prescribed medications:

    Do you have any current or previous medical conditions?


    Please list your current and past medical conditions:

    Have you already received a formal diagnosis from a healthcare professional e.g. doctor/ pharmacist/ nurse?


    Please tells us what this diagnosis was?

    If you have received a diagnosis do you think it is correct?


    Please tell us why you think it is incorrect and what else you think it might be?

    Have you tried any current treatments and/or do you take any other prescribed medications?


    Please tell us what treatments you have tried & if any have helped. Next to each treatment put a number from 1 to 10 (1 = didn't help at all, 10= it was very effective). Please also list any other prescription or over-the-counter medications you are taking for other conditions.

    *For Females

    Are you currently pregnant, planning a pregnancy or breast feeding?

    PregnantNot pregnant but planning a pregnancyBreastfeedingNone of the above.

    Are there any other comments you’d like to make or is there anything else you think we should know that would prevent us from safely and appropriately recommending medications and products?



    First Name:

    Last Name:

    Date of Birth :

    Telephone Number:

    Email Address

    What is your gender?


    How did you hear about our express consultation service?

    GoogleInstagramTikTokYouTubeWord of mouthLeaflet/ PosterOther

    Please take 3 photos of your skin

    Try to take at least 1 photo that is a close up of your skin (zoomed in) and one photo that is a bit further away. If you have multiple body parts that are affected then you can send 1 photo of each part. If you want to send us more photos then you can send them to us via email (support@digiderm.co.uk)- please include your name and date of birth in the subject of the message.

    Click on the camera icon below to upload photos.

    Choose Your Front Facing Photos. (We accept JPEG, JPG, PNG, Max 5MB Per Photo)

    Choose Your Left Facing Photos. (We accept JPEG, JPG, PNG, Max 5MB Per Photo)

    Choose Your Right Facing Photos. (We accept JPEG, JPG, PNG, Max 5MB Per Photo)

    We Request 3 Photos in Total:

    • 1 x front Facing
    • 1 x From Left Facing
    • 1 x From Right Facing

    Would you like to receive occasional DigiDerm promotional material like discounts, useful skin tips and new treatments?


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