DigiDerm or our partner Pharmacy do not accept returns of prescription-only medications (POM’s) or Pharmacy-only medications (P’s). This is because we cannot guarantee that they have been stored in the correct conditions e.g. temperature, and hence cannot guarantee their safety for re-use. We are unable to re-use or resell medications by law.

If your prescription-only medication (POM) or pharmacy-only medication (P) is damaged or faulty, or not as described- then please return it to our partner pharmacy, Phlo, and we will be happy to refund the cost in full, plus any reasonable costs for return delivery, as agreed by us. Refunds will be made via your original payment method and within 7-10 working days of the date of return.

We will accept returns of General Sale (GSL) products such as moisturising creams if they have proven to be ‘faulty’, ‘damaged’ or ‘not as described’ and once returned we will refund any monies paid to us including any reasonable costs of return delivery within 7-10 working days of the date of return. If you have changed your mind after purchasing a General Sale (GSL) product, then you have 14 days from the purchase date to return it and we will refund the cost of the product (we will not refund any delivery charges or return delivery charges in this scenario) within 7-10 working days of the return date.


All returns must be sent by recorded delivery and proof of postage must be retained. Failure to do this may result in us being unable to offer a refund or reimburse delivery costs.

Please contact our partner Pharmacy, Phlo, by telephone or email to arrange a return. See our ‘How to Contact Us’ page for their contact details.

How Can I cancel an order?

If you want to cancel an order please contact our partner pharmacy, Phlo, as soon as possible after placing your order. See our How to Contact Us page for contact details. We will make every effort to cancel your order and you have the right to cancel you order up until the point your prescription has been received by our partner pharmacy.

How to I Return Unwanted Medicines?

You can take them to a local registered pharmacy, and they will dispose of them safely for you.